The 2012 Post is dedicated to two seminal influences in my life, Bill (Willis W.) Harman and Baba Nagarjuna Moohar. I say, my life but I should really say my lives.
In 1980 I took a day-long workshop in Marin led by a recent student of Helen Wambach's that involved a number of short, past-life regressions. Two individuals seemed to pop up in virtually every lifetime I experienced that day (including several lives as a Buddhist monk). One was a kind of big brother figure........someone who was older, wiser and more experienced than me. Someone who took me under his wing and guided me with patience and compassion, e.g., in the course of fulfilling his role as novice master at a monastery.
The second figure was my spiritual teacher. Despite his changing personas he was readily identifiable in each lifetime by his deep, dark eyes and his air of impenetrable calm.
I could readily identify the "older brother" figure as Bill Harman in this current lifetime.......fulfilling his traditional role, patiently guiding the promising but headstrong "younger brother."
I had not yet met the spiritual teacher at that point........but I didn't have long to wait.
For more information, you can check out On Meeting Bill, and On Meeting Baba.