In this final post on Kristen Ann's Exploring Sacred Space: A Vast Quest we will look at her take on the alien involvement, among other things (Note: for previous posts, see Part One and Part Two).
Ann has a longstanding interest in ancient Egypt and has made multiple trips to the region. She is a firm believer in the Ancient Aliens theory and notes that Werner Glas reported that the Egyptian gods were called Syrian because they were from Sirius. She also notes that the Dogon tribe in Africa was thoroughly familiar with the pairing of the stars Sirius A and Sirius B, as depicted in their cave drawings, long before Western astronomers.
On a somewhat more contemporaneous note she recalls having met with Dan Fry, an early "contactee," in 1977. Fry, the author of To Men of Earth, was reportedly in contact with an alien named Alan in the '50s and '60s. Alan evidently came to Earth as an emissary "to help in the effort to raise people's awareness in preparation for the Transition time....part of a joint effort ...with beings from other dimensions...because the planet is coming to an extreme point of change."
Alan told Fry that they had huge ships, miles across, that were monitoring affairs on Earth and that "a time would come when their presence would be needed." Alan apparently didn't pinpoint the time of their arrival but December of 2012 might work out quite nicely, don't you think?
In addition to her involvement with Anthroposophy and the Waldorf System, Ann shows a quite impressive familiarity with many of the earlier esoteric teachers and teachings, including Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Helena Roerich,Theosophy, Benjamin Creme, Annie Besant, and Edgar Cayce.
I was especially struck by her reference to Baird T. Spalding and his series of volumes, Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East, originally published by DeVorss & Co. in 1924. This is a classic among classics, but I have to enter a caveat.
A number of years back my Zen Master friend, Baba Nagarjuna, was visiting me. Baba has the uncanny ability to assess the contents of a book by merely holding it in his hand (amazing, but true). So I handed him my Volume I, followed by Volumes II and III. His comment on the first volume was that it contained much valuable information, but he said that each of the succeeding volumes contained erroneous information and had little or no value. I found that quite interesting because that had been my assessment also, which is why I stopped reading them.
I might also note that prior to that visit Baba had talked to me about Shamballa and the ancient Masters who lived in seclusion in the Himalayas. He even suggested we might visit them together some day!
I would assume that Ann's lifelong interest in esoteric philosophy and her openness to unusual phenomena is due in no small part to the fact that she had a Near Death Experience at age 9 and subsequently took up Transcendental Meditation in her mid-teens.
You can learn more about Kristen Ann's work or order a signed copy of her book by visiting her website, Exploring Sacred Space.