Wilcock presents us with a dazzling smorgasbord of topics and there were several that I found especially intriguing and/or significant.
One is his concept of levity, the opposite of gravity -- no, I'm not kidding, really. Gravity is a downward force flowing into the earth, and since it doesn't dissipate, there must be a counterbalancing force flowing back up out of the earth. He calls this force levity. Interesting, huh?
The gravity/levity dichotomy is related to another interesting concept. We are all familiar with Einstein's space-time......you, know, the reality that we are all walking around in all the time. Well, he cites the work of Dewey Larson who postulated a three-dimensional Time Region (parallel universe?) which is constantly interacting with our own three-dimensional reality but with radically different (opposite?) properties. Wilcock refers to this other reality as time-space.
He believes that this parallel reality, this time-space, is where we go to in "dreams, out-of-body experiences, remote viewing sessions or the...afterlife." Its existence would also account for a number of the anomalous findings of quantum mechanics. According to Wilcock, the two realities are "basically the same -- but space over there is time over here, and vice versa."
Here the discussion goes way beyond my ability to comprehend, much less communicate, so I will just say, check it out for yourself. It's all very interesting stuff.
He is back on much more familiar ground for me when he tackles the ET question. He notes that although he has avoided relying on UFO-related accounts in the book (I guess his subject matter was already far out enough without bringing in little Greys) he does feel "...there is undeniable evidence that we were visited by human-looking extraterrestrials in ancient time -- and...these visits have continued through to this very day."
He mentions Steven Greer's Disclosure Project but doesn't say too much more on the topic of aliens, alien abductions, and alien technology. It's too bad because I find it fascinating and would have liked to have heard more of his thoughts on this vitally important subject.
However, he does use the ET connection to launch into a consideration of the India Daily website, a source which I had cited in an earlier post on the remote viewing of 2012. He cites and/or quotes a number of very interesting and sometimes highly technical articles appearing on the site dealing with ET bases on the moon, parallel universes, wormholes, time travelers, negative mass, and the bending of time and space. For example, according to one article:
...time can be detached from space, creating a holding zone in hyperspace that can later be attached to another point in time....through the use of gravitational radiation manipulation.
Other articles allege that "...India was originally contacted by extraterrestrials after conducting its first nuclear test in the early 1970s....," that ET's are "...apparently preparing to reveal themselves to earth in 2012," that "...Brazil, India and China are taking the lead...." in disclosing the alien presence, and that "...science, history, philosophy and all aspects of human life may change..." the day they reveal themselves.
My own position is not that human life may change, I believe it will most definitely change, if and when that time comes. As I once wrote in a Letter to the Editors at IONS:
The monumental discovery that we are not alone in the universe would, in all probability, lead to the single biggest, fastest and most widespread shift in human consciousness in all of recorded history.
The India Daily articles are all written anonymously and they often contain what appears to be classified information. Wilcock thinks the material has been leaked from workers at various Indian governmental agencies, including the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), which is equivalent to NASA in the U.S.A.
He wraps up the ET section by quoting from a "Mr. X," who was interviewed by Bill and Kerry at Project Camelot in 2006.
Mr. X was also interviewd by Jerry Pippin about the same time and, according to Wilcock, Mr. X stated that ET's will:
...conduct a mass landing all over the world on December 21st or 22nd, 2012, whether our leaders like it or not.
and he added that,
there will be a mass of information released that will shatter most of our core beliefs.
To be continued......