In a previous post I mentioned Daniel Pinchbeck's comment regarding the connection between 2012 and the recent spate of crop circles around the world.
I thought I would follow up on that in the next few posts by reviewing a recent video titled, What on Earth: Inside the Crop Circle Mystery by long-time crop circle researcher, Suzanne Taylor.
The video's stunning images would be worth the price of admission alone but it provides much more than that. It features presentations, interviews and discussions with almost two dozen researchers and enthusiasts (sometimes referred to as "croppies") who focus on different aspects of the phenomenon. All-in-all it is a good introduction to the field for a novice such as me.
Crop circles have now been found in over 40 different countries; sometimes as many as 35 different formations will appear overnight, with as many as 300 per year in England alone. The majority are found in Southern England in Wiltshire close to the prehistoric sites of Stonehenge and Avebury (not too terribly far from where I once lived on the Kent-Sussex border).
Daniel Pinchbeck appears in the film and he again looks at the possible connection between crop circles and 2012 saying that, "...maybe we have to take seriously the Mayan calendar and...other prophetic systems...." and adds that we are possibly "moving toward some kind of crescendo." He goes on to note that the crop circles may be serving as,
...a teaching on the nature of reality and the nature of consciousness as we go through this accelerating transformation process -- which very well may be keyed to 2012.
He adds that it,
...seems like we're going to go through this kind of initiatory, cataclysmic crisis...[but] potentially what comes out of that could be a compassion-based global civilization....
Unfortunately, he also notes more dourly that another potential future could be a "Mad Max" scenario. Bummer.
I was struck by comments from philosopher Stanley Messenger who quoted Rudolph Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, as having said, prior to his death that, "Come the end of this century the entire human phenomenon will simply cross into another dimension," referring to it as "crossing into the spiritual world." Steiner apparently didn't know what it would be like to be in a physical body after the transformation but he prophesied that the change would happen 75 years after his death, which occurred in 1925.
Well, it didn't happen at the turn of the century, but hey, if it happened in 2012 that wouldn't be too far off the mark, would it?
Barbara Lamb feels that the crop circles are "stretching our awareness of what reality is," they are getting us to " our minds and consider that there is so much more to reality than...most of us are aware of..."
She calls it a mysterium tremendum, but I think maybe she misspoke as the term evidently translates to "fear and trembling" or "mystery that repels." I seriously doubt that that was what she had in mind because I know her and she is one very courageous person. In addition to being a crop circle researcher she is a licensed therapist and recognized leader in the use of hypnotic regression with clients (well over 500 of them to date!) who have apparently experienced alien contact. She fearlessly goes where few dare to go, hardly the sort to give in to "fear and trembling."
There are some nice shots of Barbara in the circles together with the late John Mack, one of my favorite people (I will have more to say about the work of Barbara and John in future posts). John says that our current world view, which he terms scientific materialism, can't tell us anything about the anomalous experiences that people are increasingly having.....the kind of experiences that he details so well in his landmark book, Abduction. According to John, crop circles are "...the most dramatic [and] extraordinary cross-over from the other dimension in the history of the human race."
To be continued.....