In the last post we looked at what Courtney Brown had to say about the Martians, in this one we will look at his take on the ubiquitous Greys.
While most accounts of Greys portray them as drone-like and emotionless, there have been some reports in the literature of higher functioning, even wise and compassionate, Greys.
So it should not come as a surprise that Brown discovered that there are three categories of Greys, which he terms primitive, advanced and superevolved, all of which work with the Galactic Federation. According to Brown they "...originate from different points in time. Yet all three populaces are interacting simultaneously here on Earth."
The idea was to show that ET's are...physical...vulnerable...not really different from humans and...can make mistakes.
[On a personal note, I found this quite interesting and at least somewhat plausible because I once encountered something similar. In the course of regressing a client to a past life in ancient Egypt she reported being "harshly judged by a stern-faced alien" for having, against orders, divulged their presence. She was then purposely killed, along with an alien companion, in a saucer crash while returning to earth from the mother ship.]
Brown confirmed that the Greys are in fact involved in some sort of breeding program aimed at transforming their genetic make-up and that "...Earth was chosen as the central gene pool bank for the project." In a later session, when focusing on the Greys of the future, he exclaims, "What beautiful creatures!" and goes on to say,
These future Greys look much like humans....They have learned to love. That is the basic emotion that they emphasized in their genetic project. These beings have love overwhelming....These people are very evolved and spiritually united.
While there is no mention of 2012 per se, I am always intrigued by references to near-term events that fit well within the 2012 meme, without actually alluding to the date. Rightly or wrongly, I tend to take that as corroborating evidence that there might actually be something to it. In that regard, I found the following statements scattered throughout various sessions quite interesting:
A bad time is coming. There will be a period of great struggle. During this time, technology will grow slowly. People will go back to basics in living, but not primitive.
...many problems are coming. There definitely will be a planetary disaster... or...disasters. There will be political chaos, turbulence, an unraveling of the current political order.
It is not long before events on Earth accelerate....years of struggle, death and turmoil.
However, he goes on to report that the impact of such events will be ameliorated with help from the Galactic Federation, and, more importantly:
...consciousness must become a focal concern of humans in order for us to proceed further.
Parenthetically I should note that while I feel I must include some of the doom and gloom aspects of 2012, I personally don't buy in to it too much and, instead, choose to remain optimistic. In part, as you will see in a future post, this is because some recent channeled messages have stated quite emphatically and authoritatively that the widespread calamities that predominate in earlier prognostications are no longer necessary. According to some sources there has been a sufficient increase in human consciousness (and a concomitant growth in global environmental awareness) to render such drastic measures unnecessary.
For example, you might recall that when I posed a question regarding 2012 during a psychic reading that I reported on in an earlier post I was told by the "guides" that,
...there were "more earthlings wanting to take responsibility" now than before. So in general things were "steering in the right direction, not the wrong direction."
They went on to say that global destruction of human life on earth did not look like a high probability, placing it very reassuringly at less than 5%.
To be continued.....