In an earlier post I covered Geoff Stray's take on the remote viewing (RV) of 2012 and in my last post I recounted my own tentative forays into remote viewing. Now I would like to take a more in-depth look at what light RV might have to shed on the 2012 issue.
As recounted by Stray, Ed Dames, a recognized authority in RV, stated on the Art Bell show in 1997 that RVers were unable to see beyond 2012. He referred to it as a "discontinuity." His best guess at that time was that, "...time changes....there is an event that is global, that something happens to the world that makes all the event timelines change."
However, apparently very little has been said about this "discontinity" by Dames or anyone else in the intervening years. On the contrary, other RVers have been coming up with a good deal of pertinent material on 2012 and beyond. In fact, another authority in the field, Courtney Brown, has launched a major project designed specifically to look at two timelines leading through 2012 to mid-2013 (with RV data on the year 2008 providing a baseline). His team was tasked with viewing eight spots around the world (e.g., Sidney Opera House in Australia, Kilamanjaro in Tanzania, low-lying Tuvalu, an island in the South Pacific).
Courtney has posted videos in which he describes the project in detail (see 2012 - Part 1 and 2012 - Part 2). His approach is far too complicated to summarize here but the results are distressingly simple. In terms of climate and planetary changes his team saw:
- Impacts from what appear to be large meteors leading to tsunamis and possible volcanism
- Extensive and forceful flooding of coastal areas
- Excessive solar radiation
- Storms and other severe weather
And the corresponding consequences for civilization were:
- Massive self-organized relocation from coastal areas (refugees)
- The breakdown of rescue or other notable governmental functioning
- The breakdown of the food supply system
- The breakdown of the vehicular transport system
- Extensive loss of buildings near coasts
That's pretty sobering news in light of the high quality of his team and the sophistication of the experimental design. However, I should point out that while slightly over half of the reports found "complete" or "significant" evidence of disaster of the sort cited above, slightly less than half of the reports found evidence of no or "minimal" disaster.
For a detailed discussion of the results by Alfred Lambremont Webre, one of the founders of the Exopolitics initiave, check out his articles in the Seattle Exopolitics Examiner -- 2012 Timeline: Part 1 and 2012 Timeline: Part 2.
Cynthia Sue Larson, an intuitive and spiritual life coach, reports on a remote viewing circle she conducted in 2008 in which
.....most...participants clearly sensed a feeling of tremendous harmony, peacefulness and joy... and yet some also sensed that just past this peaceful calm lay some degree of chaos, stress and strife.
Bruce Fenton of 2012 Rising attended the 2012 Tipping Point Conference earlier this year in Cancun and participated in a group RV session devoted to 2012 lead by Russell Targ, one of the original architects of RV at Stanford Research Institute. According to Fenton:
Several of us...gave...reports of some kind of atmospheric problem or darkening of the daytime the UK and the USA. Several people described meteorites in the sky or coloured lights like fireworks, did not seem odd that this was occurring in the middle of the day. This fitted well with my own sense that some events had already been going on for several weeks previous to this date and that a major event had already hit the world scene with negative consequences for many. There was also a sense that the future looked positive and a strong sense of community was emerging. There was also agreement from many that they had moved home to more rural locations.... There was a general sense from many of a major negative event, or series of events had hit the planet and were now behind us.
As reported in a 2004 article in India Daily, Tibetan monks have apparently used RV to look at our prospects in 2012 and they have seen that the world powers will be leading us down a path toward global destruction but that "supernatural divine powers," interpreted as ET's, will "intervene...and save the world from self-destruction."
So, on balance, the news from the RV front vis-a-vis 2012 seems to be mixed -- giving us reason for concern along with reason for optimism. While it might be confusing at first glance, isn't this exactly the sort of circumstances we have experienced in recent years?
Truly horrific disasters have struck at some points around the globe (e.g., Katrina in New Orleans, the earthquake in Haiti, the tsunami in the Indian Ocean) subjecting residents there to untold suffering. While at the same time, residents living in other parts of the world were basking in peace, comfort and prosperity......counting their blessings......and, hopefully, contributing generously to the necessary rebuilding process in a spirit of solidarity and "community."