All of the material generated over the past four years at Project Camelot is now archived at Project Camelot Library which is composed of a number of different sections, e.g., Tributes, Questions, Goals, Shorts. However, the best place to start might be with The Big Picture.
But first, a word of warning........this is very, very far out stuff. If you are familiar with the material on the Secret Government, time portals, Dark Star, the crash at Roswell, alien intervention, underground facilities, Martian bases, etc. then you can probably take it in stride. If not, then you might well be incredulous ............and who could blame you?
This is not your run-of-the-mill, evening news sort of information. But this is what Bill and Kerry have gleaned from a growing number of whistle-blowers who have purportedly been working on "black budget" operations for years. By its very nature it is material that only comes out in dribs and drabs, without adequate documentation, from sometimes anonymous sources, often contaminated by both intentional and unintentional disinformation. Sometimes it can be confirmed by mainstream science and/or reputable public figures, but for the most part it cannot.
In essence they present the Big Picture as their
understanding of the core issues related to the presence of the visitors, and the possible earth changes that may be ahead of us.
The Big Picture piece is heavily footnoted so you will find it fairly easy to see where their various assertions are coming from and, in that sense, it can act as a guide to some of the interviews located elsewhere on the site, as well as to sources available elsewhere on the web.
What they present in the Big Picture is so dense with information that I am not going to try to summarize it here. However, I do encourage you to check it out, if only briefly, before moving on to the central portion of the site which can now be accessed through the new Project Camelot Library Portal.
The portal provides a variety of ways of locating the over 100 interviews they have conducted over the past four years. It highlights interviews that have been recently added, are most popular, involve featured guests and are based on conference presentations. You can also search the various media by interviewee or search all media by topic (e.g., space, ETs, UFOs; science and technology; earth changes; black projects and mind control).
Each interview, some presented in multiple parts, is available in a video format, audio format, and/or as a written transcript. The videos present the fullest picture of the interviewee while the transcripts (often available in a variety of different languages) are the fastest way to quickly browse the material.
While they do not necessarily stand behind the absolute truth of everything that they publish on their site, they still feel that it is important to put it out there and let us make up our own minds. However, it's not an anything-goes policy; they do screen the material to some extent. For example, they decline to interview people about whom they are unduly skeptical or whose veracity they doubt. At a minimum, they have to believe that the person himself or herself really believes that what they are saying is the truth as they know it.
According to their 2008 disclaimer:
... we do not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views presented here....we [do] fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.
Some of the interviewees such as Richard Dolan, Jim Marrs, David Icke, John Lear, Richard Hoagland, and Clifford Stone, are well known figures in the field. Others are new to the field, sometimes publicly presenting material for the first time, including some anonymous figures who, at least initially, were presented under such pseudonyms as Henry Deacon, Mr. X, Jake Simpson, and James (of Wingmakers).
Bill and Kerry have also established an especially close working relationship with David Wilcock, who, in addition to being interviewed by them on multiple occasions, has participated in several of their interviews with other interviewees. In addition, they seem to give special credence to a handful of people whom they interview and/or refer to on multiple occasions; among these are Bob Dean, Peter Peterson, George Green, Brian O'Leary and Bill Deagle.
There are also very interesting pieces based on their participation at international conferences in Amsterdam, Barcelona, and Vilcabamba, as well as conferences they themselves organized last year in Los Angeles and Zurich.
Also on the Interviews and Reports page under Special Reports and Disclosures there are a wide variety of articles of interest. I would especially recommend 2008:The Future is Now; 2009: A Tale of Two Timelines (which brings the previous 2008 piece up to date); and 2009: A Year in the Life of Project Camelot.
In June, 2009 they launched Whistleblower Radio featuring on-air interviews with a number of individuals, including Jane Burgermeister, Richard Sauder, David Wilcock, George Green, Duncan O'Finioan, Rebecca Jerrigan, and many others. All interviews have been archived and are currently available here on the Project Camelot Library site.
All in all it is a rich treasure trove of fascinating, thought-provoking, mind-expanding information and I would think it would be well worth your time to dip into any of it that catches your eye.